Tuesday, March 27, 2012

A Little Bit of This and a Little Bit of That

I really haven't been doing anything crafty for myself lately.  Between wrapping up cookie sales, orders for my shop and reading the Hunger Games there hasn't been a whole lot of time.

And I finished the Hunger Games!!  It was awesome!!  I had to fight the urge to get in the car and get Catching Fire.  Had I had the Kindle that is on my wish list I would have had it in minutes.  I will be hitting the book store and hoping it is on the shelf.  Need to figure out when I am going to see the movie.

Now as for the orders in the shop, I have had several brides contact me and ask if I could make sets of rings and/or earrings for their bridal party.  Ah, yes, please!

Here is the latest one, 16 of my Mum Swirled Cabochon Rings that I explained how to make here.

I also just realized I am almost to 200 followers!!!  I just can not believe it!!!  I am so thankful for each and everyone of you!! I think there may be a giveaway around the corner!


  1. Thank you for sharing, I am so glad to meet you. I am so excited to find and follow new special places. I will follow on my way out because I am sure I will enjoy engaging and supporting your special place now I have found you. I hope you will find some time to come visit me soon. Cheers SpecialK XoXo

  2. Ooh, those are pretty. They don't really look too hard, although I'm sure I'll never get around to making any myself.

  3. WOW almost 200! Congrats! I feel like that is some kind of blogging milestone. I have not seen the swirled cabochons...love them!
