Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Button Bracelets

First things first........  I want to welcome everyone that came by, liked what they saw and became a follower!  I planned a slow entry into this world but as most plans go they never go as planned!  I have 'met' some great people and found some awesome new blogs that I can't wait to read through.

Now, if you are one of those people you have been warned.  I do love buttons!! 

I don't have pictures of the process but basically I measured 1/2 elastic and sewed the ends.  When I say sew you will quickly realize that means a needle and thread. (Side note, I do have a machine but we haven't quite fallen in love yet.) For future ones I would recommend 1/4 inch.  It will get this job done and not limit how big your buttons have to be.

Then I just picked out buttons, choose a starting place and went for it.  I tried to place them so that they 'layered' and didn't expose the elastic.  When I had the elastic fully covered I came back with some smaller ones and but another button on top. 

This is the first one I made:

After seeing it my college age daughter wanted one too so on Christmas Eve I finally got it done!

The inside isn't exactly attractive but the outside is adorable.  A little time consuming, I think it took me about an hour and a half but something to do while sitting in front of the TV.

If anyone gives it a try I would love to see what you come up with!

Thanks for stopping by!!!!

Click here to check out the places I party!


  1. These are both adorable, quite crafty. Wishing you the best this holiday season & Happy New Year!

  2. Love! I done so,etching similar using hemp and macrome, but this looks a lot easier to slip on and off your wrist!

  3. These are cute! Love all your etsy jewelry & your blog is great! I just featured you as the honored recipient of The Liebster Award @ - come on by and check it out & pass it on! :)


  4. I would love it if you share your bracelet here:

  5. Adorable, great job!! My daughter would love one!

  6. What a lovely idea for a bracelet!

    Thanks for linking to a Round Tuit!
    Hope you have a fabulous week!
    Jill @ Creating my way to Success

  7. I really like this idea! I may get some stuff together and try this.
    Please come share at:

  8. I like these so much - I kinda have a button collecting problem ;)

  9. so cute...I love handmade jewelry AND buttons so what a great combo - I was thinking you could hot glue a bit of ribbon around the inside too if ya want to cover the stuff you don't want to see and made a smooth feeling for the wearer - you've inspired me to go hunt for some elastic! I would love love to have you link up for my first linky GOING ON RIGHT NOW.

    Come on over & join in the fun! xoxo

  10. Very cute, this will definitely be a fun simple project to do while watching TV.

  11. Oh isn't that so Very Sweet.. I love the Color combination of the yellow and Olive green... These would be a GREAT project for our Girls to do.. Thanks for sharing..

  12. just saw your link up....
    Very cute!!! I share your fondness for buttons.
    Here is my link for my take on a button bracelet if you want to see it :)


  13. these are adorable, simple, and cheap...a dangerous combination :)

  14. Those are sooo cute! I never thought of using elastic but it works perfectly.

  15. My 12 year old daughter is always trying to make bracelets with my vintage buttons. She is going to loveeeee the elastice idea!! Thanks for sharing :)

  16. I love buttons too! These are very cute.

  17. I LOVE BUTTONS!!! And I'm in love with the bracelets you made!!!

    Check out my blog too:

  18. So Stinkin' Cute!! I'm always trying to find crafts that involve buttons. I bet these bracelets can be super addictive to make. :)

    Have a great weekend,

  19. These are so stinkin cute!1 love them! Thanks for linking up and sharing!

  20. Cute! Buttons are so fun! Thanks for sharing at Shine on Fridays!

  21. These are great! I have some vintage buttons that would make absolutely FANTASTIC bracelets! Thanks for the inspiration!

  22. I'm a big fan of buttons too and love the way that you fashioned yours into those lovely bracelets! The elastic is a fabulous idea!

  23. This is a great idea!! Maybe you can put sew fabric on the elastic to make it pretty inside too :-) I love buttons. Great job!! Stopping by from So Creative linky party and your newest follower.

    Here is what I shared this week:

  24. Great idea! I like the elastic idea, too! Might try these with mini obsession. New follower, please stop by and visit sometime...
