Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy 2012 and a Fave 5 Liebster Award for Five Newbie Bloggers

First of all, Happy New Year!!!!  Hope everyone's is off to a wonderful start.  I know mine is.....

Summit Street Joy awarded me with a Lieibster Award!!!

It is now my turn to award it to 5 newbie blogs that I think are awesome!  These blogs are all up and coming and have less than 200 followers.  As a receipent it is now your turn to pick 5 blogs and share the love!

Here are the rules:

  • Choose 5 up and coming blogs of fewer than 200 followers to award the Liebster to.
  • Show your thanks to the blogger who gave you the award by linking back to them.
  • Post the award on your blog.  Link back to the blogs you have given the Liebster to so everyone else can pay them a visit.

So here are my fave 5 to whom I am passing the award to:

1 - Michaela @ Covered In Mod Podge.  She is a first time Mom and has made some really cute baby crafts and awesome wreaths!

2 - Brittany @ Fun with the Fullwoods.  Brittany and her husband Zach are adorable newlyweds.  Her recipes are to do for.  Baked Macaroni and Cheese with Bacon?  What else is there to say?

3 - Jen @ The Consigner Designer.  She just created the most amazing baby mobile!  Love her choice of non-traditional colors.

4 - Cori @ Created by Cori.  She is wicked talented with her Cri-cut.  Her Christmas cards and tags are beautiful!

5 - Happy As a Lark first caught my eye at a link up party with her Lego storage (shocking, I know....) but I found out she loves cheap projects just as much as I do!  Go check out her new piano bench!

There you go!  Please go visit these awesome blogs and share the love.  I'd offer you a button but creating a feature button wasn't at the top of my to-do list!  Please make sure you pass the award on to other upcoming blogs with less than 200 followers that have caught your eye!

Thanks again to

I'll be back with a craft tomorrow, I promise, because it is already done!



  1. thank you SO much are so sweet! gotta check these other blogs out. happy new year to you guys!

  2. I am honored that you passed me the Liebster Award. How sweet!!!! I will begin my search & pass it on :)

  3. WOW, thank you so much! I appreciate you thinking of me! Can't wait to pay it forward. Happy New Year!
